- Adherence to chosen methodology, preferably Agile with appropriate tool
- Thorough understanding of dependencies and sequencing of tasks
- Complete control over configuration and development
- Accurate encapsulation of tasks for right Agile delivery
- Excellent understanding of internal and external controls
- Involvement of key business experts and management approval
- Optimum use of SAP delivered functionality thus minimizing customization
- Appropriate distribution of tasks over onsite and offshore resources
- Timely identification of risks and issues, swift mitigation/resolution
- Cost effective delivery by use of right resource for right purpose
- Early identification of complex challenges and making those transparent
- Effective and clear communication at all levels and all stages
- Early identification of risks and issues with right mitigation and resolutions
- Preparation of integrated business processes across business functions
- Appropriate inclusion of interfaces, data exchange and security
- Excellent documentation, SME approvals, use in future phases and projects